Georgia Ranked Third Worst Judicial Hellhole
DECEMBER 7, 2021 (ATLANTA) – Georgia is now the third worst “Judicial Hellhole®” in the country, according to the annual review published by the American Tort Reform Foundation (ATRF).
While unfortunately Georgia has officially been on the Judicial Hellholes® list for a few years, the state’s deteriorating civil justice system earned us our worst ever ranking ever. ATRF specifically noted Georgia’s elimination of apportionment of fault in certain tort cases, expansion of bad faith liability for insurers, and rise in nuclear verdicts.
“The decline of Georgia’s civil justice system is somewhat surprising and disheartening,” American Tort Reform Association President Tiger Joyce said. “The state was on the Judicial Hellholes® Watch List for a number of years, and the legislature has made some attempts at improvement, but sadly the Supreme Court has continued to make decisions that expand liability and create a toxic environment for small businesses.”
“Georgia’s imbalanced and inefficient civil justice system continues to impact our small businesses and every Georgian’s quality of life,” said Meagan Hanson, the Executive Director for Georgians for Lawsuit Reform (GLR). “The abuse of Georgia’s tort system costs the average family $3,631 more in goods and services per year, but if GLR-supported tort reforms were enacted in Georgia, state residents and businesses could save more than $3 billion. These annual savings could support more than 38,200 additional jobs and $6.24 billion in increased economic activity.”
Judicial Hellholes® are deemed the most unjust local courts and state civil justice systems in the country. Read the full report at JudicialHellholes.org.